6월 9일 오후에 CPA Canada Financial Literacy 프로그램
2022-05-05 09:56
안녕하세요. 재무상담하는 조규창 공인회계사입니다.
6월 9일 오후에 CPA Canada Financial Literacy 프로그램에서 재산 계획 (Estate Planning) 온라인 세미나를 엽니다.
누구나 참여하실 수 있고요 영어로 진행됩니다.
Protect your assets by planning ahead:
Why every adult should have an estate plan
Thursday, June 9, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PST
online via ZOOM
Zoom link will be provided closer to the event date.
In this webinar you will be able to understand the what and why of estate planning and how to create a plan to distribute your assets.
Michael Deepwell CPA, CA
Michael is an independent financial practitioner and educator.
He helps clients with tax, accounting, and business matters, as well as preparing comprehensive financial plans and end of life plans. He enjoys simplifying complex financial topics with everyday examples and illustrations.
Michael is a regular guest speaker and instructor sharing on personal finances, income taxes, insurance, savings and retirement planning. He is an active member in his community, serving on boards and committees. He considers it an honour to be involved as a CPA Financial Literacy Volunteer and Area Leader since the beginning of the program.
6월 9일 오후에 CPA Canada Financial Literacy 프로그램에서 재산 계획 (Estate Planning) 온라인 세미나를 엽니다.
누구나 참여하실 수 있고요 영어로 진행됩니다.
Protect your assets by planning ahead:
Why every adult should have an estate plan
Thursday, June 9, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PST
online via ZOOM
Zoom link will be provided closer to the event date.
In this webinar you will be able to understand the what and why of estate planning and how to create a plan to distribute your assets.
Michael Deepwell CPA, CA
Michael is an independent financial practitioner and educator.
He helps clients with tax, accounting, and business matters, as well as preparing comprehensive financial plans and end of life plans. He enjoys simplifying complex financial topics with everyday examples and illustrations.
Michael is a regular guest speaker and instructor sharing on personal finances, income taxes, insurance, savings and retirement planning. He is an active member in his community, serving on boards and committees. He considers it an honour to be involved as a CPA Financial Literacy Volunteer and Area Leader since the beginning of the program.
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